Saturday 11 October 2008

Snippets 1

John was a 20 year old schizophrenic who was incapable of holding down a job of any kind, having tried his hand at almost everything. As a consequence he spent every day at home and visited the doctor’s surgery, which happened to be opposite, at least every second day. He was a complete exhibitionist entertaining all those in the waiting room with anything that came into his mind, stories, readings, songs and even shaving with an electric razor, which he plugged into the electric plug. On one occasion he brought “the Kinsey report “which had just been published and quoted extracts, and then asked pertinent questions from everyone in the waiting room followed by declarations of his own stating that he was definitely heterosexual with no thought of bisexuality. Most people laughed, tolerating his activities with the best of humour, and if he stepped out of line at all the very capable secretary would quickly cut him down to size.
He lived in a second floor flat with his aunt who went out to work every day, returning at exactly the same time each day, coinciding with the doctor’s evening surgery. As part of his exhibitionism he would watch out the window until he saw his aunt approaching on the pavement and then he would put his head into the gas oven, or take an overdose of tablets, or even make a half hearted attempt to cut his wrists, knowing that his aunt would get immediate assistance from the doctor and hospital if necessary. He got away with this approximately ten times and got no real help from the psychiatrist, and then one day he watched out the window, and on seeing his aunt almost at the doorstep he put his head in the gas oven. Unfortunately his aunt tripped over the bottom step of the stairs and broke her leg and was taken off to hospital leaving poor John to the tender mercies of his Maker.

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